The Beicker sisters – Brinley (9 years old) and Brylen (6 years old) – are definitely Show Season riders on the rise to watch!
These two talented young girls come from a line of riders. Their grandmother (Penny aka Gigi) and great aunt Laurie Long, grew up showing Arabian horses (many may remember the Mace girls and their horse Teak!).
As the older sister of the two, Brinley’s jump into the Arabian show world (although she had been already riding for quite some time) was the doing of great aunt, who was looking for help getting one of her horses (GS Knight Wind, aka Casper) qualified for a 2011 regional show.
Laurie said Casper needed one more qualifying point, and that if he and Brinley were able to place anywhere in the top three that he would have it.
So off they went to the Lone Star Classic at the Rose Palace in San Antonio, TX, and not only did Brinley make it into the top three but she placed second in the class!
“Well that led to going to the regional show, and Brinley was Reserve Champion in showmanship,” explained her mother, Katie.
“At that point, Laurie told us that if we were going any further showing, then her outfit needed to be updated. So off we went to the Show Season booth, and that’s where the Beicker Blue all started. After our first Youth Nationals, my husband and I realized that this was our girls ‘thing,’ and we support them whole-heartedly in it.”
And whole-heartedly they have. Just last year, Brinley brought home a National Championship in the A/HA/AA Showmanship JT 10 & under, a National Championship in the Arabian Western Seat Equation W/T 10 & Under, and Top Tens in the A/HA/AA Trail Walk/Jog 10 & under, the Arabian Western Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & under, the HA/AA Western Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & under, and the HA/AA Western Seat Equation W/T 10 & under.

Brylen, on the other hand – at just 6 years old – has been wracking up the blue ribbons in lead line all the while, but this will be her first year going to Youth Nationals.
In and out of the show ring, not only are these girls high-class riders, but they are also high-class fashionistas. And we got the lowdown on their style –
Show Season: Describe your riding fashion style.
Brinley: BLUE. We like to joke around with Melissa that they need to rename the color to BEICKER BLUE. It is my color, and it is a pretty color that stands out without being too loud. And I feel comfortable in it.
Brylen: Blue for Western. I am also riding Hunter, and my Hunter jacket and shirts all have a hint of blue in them as well.

Show Season: What is your favorite head-to-toe riding outfit?
Brinley: I love my new Beicker Blue Equitation shirt that I just got from Show Season. It is the perfect amount of glitz, but is still very classy and age appropriate. I have only worn it at the Region 9 Championships so far, but I won both of those classes, so hopefully it keeps its winning ways.
Brylen: I love riding Hunter so I love my Hunter outfit. However, I really want to do Native Costume, Country English, and Park one day, and I already have all of those outfits picked out in my head.
Show Season: Do you wear anything for good luck in the show ring?
Brinley & Brylen: There is not an item that we go into the ring without. However, before we go in the ring each time, our Gigi starts the saying “First Impression….” and we finish it by saying “Last impression!” And then we punch our fists together or “pound it,” so that would have to be our good luck.

Show Season: What is one thing you never go in the ring without?
Brinley & Brylen: Our Horse. Other than that you just have to have a good attitude. We have worked really hard for this moment and we just hope that the judge sees that.

Show Season: How would you describe your non-horse show style?
Brinley: Wind shorts and t-shirt. Anything that is comfortable and easy.
Brylen: I like fancy. I like skirts, pretty shirts, and doing my own hair.
Show Season: What has been your biggest accomplishment as a rider?
Brinley: Youth Nationals last year was amazing, so that is at the top of the list for sure. However, running a close second is winning my Trail class at Scottsdale this past February, with a score of a 76! It was only the second time I had taken my new mare into a trail class, and was only her third time to compete in one. We made a great team that day, and I cannot wait to see how she does this year at Youth.
Brylen: I have beaten my sister a couple of times in a class and that is always fun!

Show Season: What are your riding goals for the future?
Brinley: This year I am adding Short Stirrup Reining to my competition schedule. So for the future I really want to keep learning more and always improving. Keep learning more about my horses and what can make us an excellent team.
Brylen: I want to keep learning and competing, and one day win Champion at Youth Nationals!!
Show Season: Who has been the most influential in your riding career?
Brinley & Brylen: My grandmother Gigi (Penny Mace Knippa) and my great aunt Laurie. They are constantly working with us to make us better, and teaching us new things that can help us be better riders and competitors.