Get a picture-perfect, show ready, acne-less face with these really simple and cheap tips.
Lets begin with 5 important skin care rules:
+ You are what you eat
+ Don’t excessively (and needlessly) apply product
+ Just b/c it works for your friend, does not = it will work for you
+ Apply SPF ALWAYS, on your face, neck and hands
+ Keep it simple
You are what you eat.
If you eat a bunch of junk, it will show up on your skin.
Don’t believe me?
Try a juice cleanse.
Your skin will probably never have looked better than after you do a cleanse because it flushes out all the toxic waste in your body.
Here are some super foods that you can get at your local grocery store that will keep your complexion clear and beautiful (as well as keep your energy fueled up at the shows) –
+ Kale: This veggie is FULL of so many vitamins, like A, B, C, E & K, in addition to iron, potassium, protein, phosphorus and manganese. Personally, it is not my fav tasting veggie, but there is good reason it is #1 on my list, so I work at liking it.
+ Sweet potatoes: I LOVE sweet potatoes, but so many people often automatically assume they are full of carbs because they are in the potato family [and that they are subsequently bad]. In truth, however, they are packed with vitamin A (which is the leading ingredient in many acne medications). And they also combat free radicals (which cause aging).
+ Flaxseeds: Not only does this fabulous seed battle acne, but it is also additionally known to take away inflammation! And they are super yummy when mixed in Greek yogurt, sprinkled on fruit or salads, blended in smoothies, added to oatmeal, or cooked in baked goods!
+ Nuts: Nuts make/keep one’s skin plump and vibrant! And they are filled with vitamin E (especially almonds)!
+ Salmon: Not be my fish of choice (I like more mild flavors), but it is packed with omega fatty acids, which promotes healthy, radiant skin (so I force myself to try and like it).
+ Eggs: These babies are full of protein, antioxidants, and vitamin E. And (added bonus!) they keep you nice and full for hours!
+ Oranges: Everyone knows that oranges are jam-packed with vitamin C… but did you know Vitamin C helps protect the skin for scarring? Amazing.
If you want tons of acne, eat tons of these junky foods:
+ Salt: It causes bloating as well as inflammation (hello, acne!)
+ Sugar: Has a tendency to damage collagen & elastin in your skin (great.
+ Alcohol: It’s 1 of the most dehydrating things you can consume (i.e., not so good for your skin)
+ White bread: Sadly white bread causes anti-nutrients (?!!!), which means that it makes it hard for your body to absorb any sort of nutrients, vitamins or minerals.
[[Keep in mind: What you eat in a decade will show up on your skin in the next; i.e., what you eat in your 20s will appear on your skin in your 30s, and so on and so on.]]
Okay, so now that we are cleared up on the super-foods and the not-so-super-foods for healthy skin, let’s talk product.
Don’t excessively (and needlessly) apply product
Lets be honest, applying 40 pounds of skin-care products won’t magically beautify your skin.
But I am going to share with you all my biggest skin care secret for happy, healthy skin: a bar of all-natural soap.
How ridiculously easy is that?
I found out this super-secret when I couldn’t figure out what the heck was going on with my skin (it was all of a sudden breaking out and uber-sensitive). So I went to the dermatologist, and she told me to stop all of my over-use of products and buy an all-natural bar of soup to use twice a day. And, guess what. It worked. I went home, tried her recommendation, and after a few days my skin was glowing
Okay, so other recommendations –
If you have really dry skin (like me), make sure you always take your makeup off at night, keep your coffee drinking to 1x a day (drink more water, less coffee), and apply a moisturizer that is all-natural (if you haven’t realized yet I’m big on all-natural).
Oh, and to all you pimple poppers – if you are going to mess with your skin, do it after you take a hot shower, and always wash your hands first and use a tissue.
Be cautious when it comes to trying out friends products
Experimentation is fab, but experiment smart.
Before you slather a product all over your face that swears to get rid of wrinkles, try it out on a small area of your leg or something.
Everyone’s skin is unique. Do what works best for you, not your mom, not your bestie, not your horse…you!
SPF ALWAYS on your face, neck and hands
When girls ask me about my skin, the 1st thing I tell them is SUNCREEN.
I know, I know. But you “look better with a tan.”
Well, you do not look better with skin cancer, sunspots or pigmentation.
Point: If you want picture-perfect skin, keep the heck out of the sun & always wear sunscreen.
Keep it simple
Stress shows up on your face.
Stress will make any pimple, blackhead or zit worse.
Don’t overcomplicate your life or skin care routine. Less stress = clearer skin.