Our list is growning with winners “looking good” in their Show Season attire. Thank you for letting us share your moment of victory! Kelli Drake, Hannah Beal, Leslie Doran, Leah Stubbs, Rebecca Fulkerson,Leah Lawrence, Allison Mostowich, Annalise Himmel, Elizabeth Haven, Erica Mark, Debbie Smith, robin Braden, Chris Culbreth, Gordon Potts, Joe Reser, Michele Betten, Isobelle Ehret, Arianne Smith, Brianna York, Brooke Lenker, Lindsay Smith, Liz Moore, Amanda Purdin, Katie Burr, Michelle Pease-Paulsen, Diane Comeau, Toni Dolby, Barbara Bennink and Wendy Obst. Congratulations to all!